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Argo CD

Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool allowing for automated deployment of applications to specified Kubernetes environments. By version-controlling application deployment and lifecycle management, continuous delivery becomes commoditized, auditable, and easy to understand.

Available providers

Why use Argo CD on Plural?

While creating continuous delivery pipelines in Argo CD is quick and easy, deploying and setting up the application itself is complex and requires specific (cloud) infrastructure, networking, and Kubernetes knowledge.

Plural helps you deploy and manage the lifecycle of open-source applications on Kubernetes. Our platform combines the scalability and observability benefits you get with managed SaaS offerings with the data security, governance, and compliance benefits of self-hosting Argo CD.

If you need more than just Argo CD, take a look at Plural’s DevOps stack, a pre-integrated deployment of Kubecost, Grafana, and Argo CD, or look for other open-source DevOps tools in our marketplace of curated applications to leapfrog complex deployments and get started quickly.

Argo CD’s websiteGitHubLicenseInstalling Argo CD docs
Deploying Argo CD is a matter of executing these 3 commands:
plural bundle install argo-cd argo-cd-aws
plural build
plural deploy --commit "deploying argo-cd"
Read the install documentation

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Code: Integration tests codecov CII Best Practices OpenSSF Scorecard FOSSA Status

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Argo CD - Declarative Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes

What is Argo CD?

Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.

Argo CD UI

Argo CD Demo

Why Argo CD?

  1. Application definitions, configurations, and environments should be declarative and version controlled.
  2. Application deployment and lifecycle management should be automated, auditable, and easy to understand.

Who uses Argo CD?

Official Argo CD user list


To learn more about Argo CD go to the complete documentation. Check live demo at https://cd.apps.argoproj.io/.


Contribution, Discussion and Support

You can reach the Argo CD community and developers via the following channels:

Participation in the Argo CD project is governed by the CNCF Code of Conduct

Blogs and Presentations

  1. Awesome-Argo: A Curated List of Awesome Projects and Resources Related to Argo
  2. Unveil the Secret Ingredients of Continuous Delivery at Enterprise Scale with Argo CD
  3. GitOps Without Pipelines With ArgoCD Image Updater
  4. Combining Argo CD (GitOps), Crossplane (Control Plane), And KubeVela (OAM)
  5. How to Apply GitOps to Everything - Combining Argo CD and Crossplane
  6. Couchbase - How To Run a Database Cluster in Kubernetes Using Argo CD
  7. Automation of Everything - How To Combine Argo Events, Workflows & Pipelines, CD, and Rollouts
  8. Environments Based On Pull Requests (PRs): Using Argo CD To Apply GitOps Principles On Previews
  9. Argo CD: Applying GitOps Principles To Manage Production Environment In Kubernetes
  10. Creating Temporary Preview Environments Based On Pull Requests With Argo CD And Codefresh
  11. Tutorial: Everything You Need To Become A GitOps Ninja 90m tutorial on GitOps and Argo CD.
  12. Comparison of Argo CD, Spinnaker, Jenkins X, and Tekton
  13. Simplify and Automate Deployments Using GitOps with IBM Multicloud Manager 3.1.2
  14. GitOps for Kubeflow using Argo CD
  15. GitOps Toolsets on Kubernetes with CircleCI and Argo CD
  16. CI/CD in Light Speed with K8s and Argo CD
  17. Machine Learning as Code. Among other things, describes how Kubeflow uses Argo CD to implement GitOPs for ML
  18. Argo CD - GitOps Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes
  19. Introduction to Argo CD : Kubernetes DevOps CI/CD
  20. GitOps Deployment and Kubernetes - using Argo CD
  21. Deploy Argo CD with Ingress and TLS in Three Steps: No YAML Yak Shaving Required
  22. GitOps Continuous Delivery with Argo and Codefresh
  23. Stay up to date with Argo CD and Renovate
  24. Setting up Argo CD with Helm
  25. Applied GitOps with Argo CD
  26. Solving configuration drift using GitOps with Argo CD
  27. Decentralized GitOps over environments
  28. Getting Started with ArgoCD for GitOps Deployments
  29. Using Argo CD & Datree for Stable Kubernetes CI/CD Deployments
  30. How to create Argo CD Applications Automatically using ApplicationSet? "Automation of GitOps"

How Plural works

We make it easy to securely deploy and manage open-source applications in your cloud.

Select from 90+ open-source applications

Get any stack you want running in minutes, and never think about upgrades again.

Securely deployed on your cloud with your git

You control everything. No need to share your cloud account, keys, or data.

Designed to be fully customizable

Built on Kubernetes and using standard infrastructure as code with Terraform and Helm.

Maintain & Scale with Plural Console

Interactive runbooks, dashboards, and Kubernetes api visualizers give an easy-to-use toolset to manage application operations.

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Screenshot of app installation in Plural app

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Build your custom stack with over 90+ apps in the Plural Marketplace.

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Used by fast-moving teams at

  • CoachHub
  • Digitas
  • Fnatic
  • Fsn
  • Justos
  • Mot Mac

What companies are saying about us

We no longer needed a dedicated DevOps team; instead, we actively participated in the industrialization and deployment of our applications through Plural. Additionally, it allowed us to quickly gain proficiency in Terraform and Helm.

Walid El Bouchikhi
Data Engineer at Beamy

I have neither the patience nor the talent for DevOps/SysAdmin work, and yet I've deployed four enterprise-caliber open-source apps on Kubernetes... since 9am today. Bonkers.

Sawyer Waugh
Head of Engineering at Justifi

This is awesome. You saved me hours of further DevOps work for our v1 release. Just to say, I really love Plural.

Ismael Goulani
CTO & Data Engineer at Modeo

Wow! First of all I want to say thank you for creating Plural! It solves a lot of problems coming from a non-DevOps background. You guys are amazing!

Joey Taleño
Head of Data at Poplar Homes

We have been using Plural for complex Kubernetes deployments of Kubeflow and are excited with the possibilities it provides in making our workflows simpler and more efficient.

Jürgen Stary
Engineering Manager @ Alexander Thamm

Plural has been awesome, it’s super fast and intuitive to get going and there is zero-to-no overhead of the app management.

Richard Freling
CTO and Co-Founder at Commandbar


Plural is open-source and self-hosted. You retain full control over your deployments in your cloud. We perform automated testing and upgrades and provide out-of-the-box Day 2 operational workflows. Monitor, manage, and scale your configuration with ease to meet changing demands of your business. Read more.

We support deploying on all major cloud providers, including AWS, Azure, and GCP. We also support all on-prem Kubernetes clusters, including OpenShift, Tanzu, Rancher, and others.

No, Plural does not have access to any cloud environments when deployed through the CLI. We generate deployment manifests in the Plural Git repository and then use your configured cloud provider's CLI on your behalf. We cannot perform anything outside of deploying and managing the manifests that are created in your Plural Git repository. However, Plural does have access to your cloud credentials when deployed through the Cloud Shell. Read more.