Yiren Lu

How to Get Runbooks From Kubernetes YAML With Plural Members Public

At Plural, we provide at Plural is programmatic runbooks integrated with your deployment pipeline that make common manual DevOps tasks a breeze.

Yiren Lu
Yiren Lu
Getting Started

Resizing a PersistentVolume Claimed by a StatefulSet with the Plural Operator Members Public

Suppose you're running a MySQL deployment on Kubernetes and the space that you allocated initially is not enough – you would like to increase it from 50GB to 100GB. How would you go about doing this? Well, recall that with Kubernetes, you deploy stateless applications with Deployment and stateful

Yiren Lu
Yiren Lu

Deploying Airflow on GKE or EKS Members Public

Deploying your own Apache Airflow instance on Kubernetes is challenging. Plural simplifies that process for you. Here's how.

Yiren Lu
Yiren Lu
Getting Started

What is a Kubernetes Operator? Members Public

Kubernetes Operators are a common way for developers to package, deploy, and manage a Kubernetes application.

Yiren Lu
Yiren Lu

Kubernetes + Plural Members Public

Plural makes the deployment of any open-source software a simple and consistent process using Kubernetes in your own cloud.

Yiren Lu
Yiren Lu
Getting Started