Plural Roadmap April Update Members Public

Our public-facing application roadmap launched earlier this year. Since then, our team has been working on some pretty awesome improvements.

Sam Bolian
Sam Bolian

March Product Update Members Public

In March our team upgraded Airbyte to version 0.42.0, Dagster chart to version 1.2.2 and DataHub to version 0.10.0.

Sam Bolian
Sam Bolian
Product Updates

Plural Content Contributor Program Members Public

Plural is now accepting applications to contribute content to our blog. Earn $300 per 1,000 word-article that you write for Plural.

Brandon Gubitosa
Brandon Gubitosa

Deploying Airflow on Kubernetes Members Public

A step-by-step tutorial on how to deploy Apache Airflow on Kubernetes using Plural's cloud shell.

Abhi Vaidyanatha
Abhi Vaidyanatha
Getting Started

Deploying Airbyte on Kubernetes Members Public

Airbyte is a popular open-source EL(T) platform. Here's how to deploy and scale an Airbyte deployment on Kubernetes.

Abhi Vaidyanatha
Abhi Vaidyanatha

Why We Are Paying For Open-source Contributions (And Why You Should Too) Members Public

We're currently offering $300 for every application contributed to the catalog and $75 for every application upgrade performed.

Abhi Vaidyanatha
Abhi Vaidyanatha

February Product Update Members Public

February was a busy month for us including our re-launch on Product Hunt. Here is what our team has been up to.

Sam Bolian
Sam Bolian
Product Updates

How we Deployed PostHog on Kubernetes Members Public

Deploying PostHog on Kubernetes is challenging. Here's how to self-host PostHog on Kubernetes using Plural.

David van der Spek